When people say, "You are what you eat" I think really? I'm a pig, I'm cabbage, I am a stinking rose (garlic). :-)
In the last year or so I found out that my body does not respond well to Dairy Products or spicy food (of course these food items are my favorite). As a child I never had breakouts, zits, pimples or acne. You can say I have been lucky up until recently.
Whenever I crave a glass of milk with cookies I know at some point I am going to pay for it. Acne followed by blemishes. Yikes!! Of course having brown skin doesn't help my situation because my blemishes look black or dark, dark brown. Call me vain, but not cute when its on the tip of your nose. For Christmas I was Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer reincarnated. For the past few weeks I have been trying to get rid of this blemish that makeup can't cover up.
In a desparate and last attempt, I went online and googled home remedy for facial blemishes. The searches directed me to ehowto.com
Does it work.... YES!!!!!!!!!!
Here are the instructions
•No, you are not making Greek food. You are getting rid of the bacteria on your skin. Cut a slice of lemon and prepare a fresh clove of garlic by taking off the skin and cutting the clove in half.
Cleanse your skin with a gentle cleanser such a Cetaphil. Squeeze the slice of lemon into your palm and pat on your face (especially on the blemish or active area).
Rinse your face. Now, take the half clove (this is a fresh clove with juice) and rub the clove on the blemish, squeezing the juice onto the area. Wait a minute. You will feel tingling.
After about a minute (you may wait longer, depending on the sensitivity of your skin) and up to five minutes, rinse your face with luke warm water.
Know that garlic is an antioxidant with huge quantities of Vitamin C. These nutrients will kill off the bacteria surrounding the blemish.
Wake up and notice the difference in your skin. You may smell like a garden, but your face will be free of bacteria.