Jamie Oliver "The Naked Chef" has always been my favorite Celebrity Chef on the Food Network. His accent alone would be enough for me to watch his show. I kid I kid!! His show inspired me many years ago to have my own garden with fresh herbs and grow my own vegetables.
So why the controversy?
Jamie is set to drop in on one of "America's Most Unhealthiest Cities" Huntington, West Virginia. I guess once you've been coined as one of America's fattest and unhealthy cities, how are you able to live this label down?
For starters I am glad that ABC has decided to pick up a show like this. I'm not sure how many people will watch this show but I am rooting that the show reaches a large mass of people. A lot people aren't aware how delicious fresh garden vegetables can be. I don't know about you but I cannot eat canned corned or canned green beans. There is a HUGE difference in flavor. I won't even begin to speak about the fast food epidemic America is plagued with.
When I visited Texas last month I was shocked to see the lack of vegetables and fruits in grocery stores. In California you have an entire section for vegetables and fruits. The stores that I visited only had a few tables. It looked very weird to me. Almost as if it were the damaged food section in store. You know the grocery cart in the back of store where you can find discounted items because there is a dent in the can.
All is takes is a little education or a show to see the light.
So please people set your TiVo's, DVR's etc... and support Jamie Oliver on his new journey to help people become healthy eaters.
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