I haven't been to McDonald's in over 10 years but I was craving a Sausage McMuffin. So...... I decided to make it myself. My husband was quite pleased to wake up to Breakfast in bed to an "Inspired" Sausage McMuffin. This recipe is easy to do and also fun to make. I'm not sure if I am the only one but I always put my jelly inside the muffin. Jelly and sausage together is delicious just like sausage and maple syrup. My husband tends to think that the jelly was not intended for the Mcmuffin. However, why would they offer jelly at McDonalds. Am I the only one that is far gone on this?? LOL
1 can of Pillsbury Biscuits
1 package Jimmy Dean's sausage patties
3 eggs
1/4 cup heavy cream
Jelly of your choice (raspberry, grape, or strawberry)
1. Bake biscuits in the oven. Follow directions on biscuit can. Once baked, slice in half.
How to Scramble eggs
Use medium low to low heat
2. Crack eggs into a bowl and add cream. Whisk until well combined. Melt 1/2 tsp butter into skillet. Pour in beaten eggs. Do not disturb egg until 20 seconds have passed. Continue cooking to the consistency you desire. (I prefer mine scrambled soft)
3. Cook sausage patties in skillet on medium low heat until sausage is cooked thoroughly.
4. With a butter knife slice biscuits in half and spread jelly on both sides of the biscuit. Then place egg and sausage inside the muffin
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