I finally went to go see the movie! I was waiting on a few friends to see it together but I had to go all by my lonesome. I'm not a movie goer but I was really excited about seeing Julie & Julia and was afraid if I waited one more week I would be out of luck.
My Thoughts:
I thought the movie mirrored a lot of aspects when it came down to my own personal path to cooking. Its funny when I meet people and they tell me how much they hate grocery shopping and cooking. Grocery shopping to me is like going into Gucci or a vintage store and finding something that makes me feel really pretty. Cooking takes a lot of love and patience. It is the most rewarding thing in the world to me. Call it crazy but its therapeutic.
Its funny when the character Julie becomes frustrated in the kitchen because something didn't turn out. I react the same way after I've spent hours working on a technique or accidentally fell asleep and the house smells like wood chips. It happens to the best of us. I love how she started her blog and wondered, who was reading it? I often wonder the same thing. Who is out there reading my blog or watching my videos? Is this all in vain? Of course I have to answer myself and say, "No, its not all in vain because I love cooking and eating."
Many occasions I have spent half my paycheck on special ingredients just like Julie in the movie. Once you start using fresh ingredients and your palate opens up its hard going back to eating ordinary food.
Okay back to the movie... I really liked the movie. I was hoping that the movie would go deeper into Julia Childs personal life. It only touched the surface. Apart of me understands how she just loved eating and felt she was French. She had the most adorable personality. It was genuine, authentic and refreshing. I know I will buy one of her cookbooks and most likely enjoy quite a few recipes from her. I will keep you all updated.
Bon Appetit!
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